Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finding Calm in the Chaos

This painting was inspired by recent personal experiences. I am trying to find calm in the chaos of life. I've been sharing my art for awhile now (and I still feel vulnerable!) but releasing my first book has been a hundred times scarier and it's been an emotional rickety carnival ride--the kind that makes you wanna throw up, the kind that makes you sure you're going to DIE. And then there's the other stuff: Opening old wounds in therapy so I can clean out the puss and finally heal. And the world in general, with all the violence and hatred and clashing religious and political views. If you want to lose your faith in humanity, read the comments on YouTube or on a news article. People can be horrible.

Despite all that, life is beautiful. There's beauty to be found everywhere. Sometimes the best thing in the world is to collapse on a blanket thrown on a patch of grass and watch big puffy clouds crawl like turtles across the perfect blue sky. Let the sun soak in. Feel the gentle spring breeze touch your skin. Inhale the scent of earth and blossoms and lilac trees.

Painting this was therapeutic. The hair and the lightening bolt of skin coming out of the model's cheek were fun to do. Trying news things usually pays off. If I didn't experiment, I'd be bored bored bored.

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